- Groovers Classes-
Groovers Classes bring together a mixture of free dance styles such as Jazz, Lyrical, Commercial, Contemporary & Musical Theatre alongside Dance Conditioning Technique.
They all use popular music & are a perfect way for students to explore new styles in a fun & relaxed way whilst helping develop their technique.
These classes don't form part of an exam progression so are great for those who want a more relaxed approach to their dance journey. However, many students attend these classes alongside the examination classes & find both compliment one another & are enjoyed by all.

- Mini Groovers -
Ages 4 - 6
(45 mins)
Mini Groovers classes start to build basic dance technique using physical skills, games & songs from popular children's films & musicals.
The classes also use instruments & props to help build the children's rhythm & coordination.

per class
*Paid with Termly Invoices
Please see Terms & Conditions Page for more Information
If other classes are attended...
- Junior Groovers -
Ages 7 - 10
(1 hour)
Junior Groovers classes build a stronger dancing technique, whilst still using physical skills, games & songs from popular children's films & musicals. In these classes, the students will learn routines in a variety of styles & create mini-performances.

per class
*Paid with Termly Invoices
Please see Terms & Conditions Page for more Information
If other classes are attended...

- Inter Groovers -
Ages 11 - 13
(1 hour 15 mins)
Inter Groovers classes begin to broaden the students' range of dance styles, bringing in Musical Theatre, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary & Commercial Dance. We also incorporate body conditioning into these classes to begin to develop students' strength & flexibility to support them in the more complex movements & steps.

per class
*Paid with Termly Invoices
Please see Terms & Conditions Page for more Information
If other classes are attended...
- Senior Groovers -
Ages 14+
(1 hour 30 mins)
Senior Groovers classes continue to use Musical Theatre, Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary & Commercial Dance to broaden & develop the students' range of styles. The inclusion of body conditioning in the classes help to stabilise the students' strength & flexibility for complex movement vocabulary & strengthening their ability to pick up movement with ease.

per class
*Paid with Termly Invoices
Please see Terms & Conditions Page for more Information
If other classes are attended...